Like a bird flies over roads and forests to take the shortest path between two points, we believe that the shorter the path between where our spirit ingredients are sourced and where they’re used, the more rewarding your drinking experience will be.
Red-Winged Blackbird
During the spring and summer, these small birds’ voices can be heard around nearly every pond and marsh around Masschusettes. Just as this red-winged bird signals the warmer weather, our signature red Amaro reminds us of bright, delightful, bittersweet summer days.
Americano Blanc
Ruffed Grouse
The Ruffed Grouse is a non-migratory bird species that lives in northern forests across the United States, including Massachusetts and southern New England. Americano Blanc touts a flavor profile that delivers a sense of the deep forests in New England, where the Ruffed Grouse nests. A unique bird for a unique, earthy spirit.
Apple Brandy
Wood Thrush
The Wood Thrush nest mainly in woodlands, and can be found on all types of deciduous trees, including apple. Just as Wood Thrushes are a common breeding species throughout New England, apple orchards are also common throughout our lands. With its cold winter and mild summers, New England is one of the most popular areas for planting and growing apple trees in the United States. One of the first songsters to be heard in the morning and among the last in the evening, the male Wood Thrush’s flute-like song echoes throughout the forest, just like how the bold, candied apple notes linger from a smooth sip of our New England Apply Brandy.
Autumn Autumn
Dark-Eyed Junco
Dark-eyed Juncos arrive in mid-October and are thought to presage the coming of winter. Nicknamed “snowbirds”, Dark-eyed Juncos nest in Massachusetts, primarily in the western park of the state. A migratory bird that comes around in the fall, just like our Autumn Gin.
Pileated Woodpecker
This large, loud, energetic woodpecker represents the strong, daring taste of Fernet. The Pileated Woodpecker makes its holes in trees to find carpenter ants, which is its preferred food. Our Fernet is made using 21 botanicals, many of which offer earthy, herbal notes, making it an appropriate mascot for this feisty forest bird.
Northern Shrike
Like the flavor profile of our signature Gin, the Northern Shrike is light and agile, and makes well-defined maneuvers as it flies. Another fun fact: Northern Shrikes eat bugs and small animals but they do not have claws or teeth. To kill their prey, they drop them on sharp objects such as thorns and fence posts. A badass bird for a badass gin.
Gold Rum
Roseate Tern
Like our flagship Rum, Gold Rum is also represented by a seabird: The Roseate Tern. An endangered species in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the Roseate Tern is named for the pinkish wash that appears on its breast feathers during breeding season. A graceful seabird for a smooth, graceful spirit.
Hibiscus Rum
A brilliant red rum warrants a brilliant red bird. Cardinals are year-round Massachusetts residents. They use bright, powerful beaks to crack open seeds and slice open sugary fruits to help them survive cold winter months. Come spring, their chirping can be heard around almost all neighborhoods. Like our Hibiscus Rum, this loud, mighty bird stands out in a crowd.
London Dry Gin
European Starling
Both the renowned spirit and the bird made its way to America through innovation and demand. About 100 starlings were first introduced by Shakespeare enthusiasts in 1890 in Central Park, New York. They are now one of the most abundant birds in North America with a population of around 200 million. London Dry Gin was created in England in the early 17th. century. This distinct style consists of a neutral grain spirit distilled with juniper and other botanicals to give it flavor. It was a massive hit in England, and eventually made its way to America in the late 1890s where it has grown in popularity ever since.
Myrtle Liqueur
Myrtle Warbler
It’s all in the name! The Myrtle Warbler will readily take wax-myrtle berries in the winter, which gives the species its name. Myrtle Liqueur is made with the leaves of the myrtle bush, a hardy shrub native to southern Europe.
Old Tom Gin
Winter Wren
As legend has it, this tiny bird once challenged the powerful eagle to a race. The wren was so small he was able to sneak on the eagle’s neck once the race began. The wren jumped off the eagle’s neck right before the finish line, flying past him to win the race. The king of all birds was declared! Barrel aged spirits are the kings of all spirits, which is why the Winter Wren was chosen to represent Old Tom Gin.
Glossy Ibis
The Glossy Ibis is a Mediterranean bird that has been naturalized to New England. In Ancient Egypt, Ibises were known as sacred birds. They were believed to have a connection to Thoth, the wise scribe and lorekeeper of the Egyptian pantheon. A sacred Greek bird for a traditionally Greek spirit!
Peated Whiskey
Peregrine Falcon
We assigned birds of prey to all of our Whiskeys because just as these creatures are at the top of the food chain, premium craft Whiskey is known to be at the top of the spirits class. The Peregrine Falcon is a bird of prey that nests in the cliffs of Maine, right where our peat is hand dug. Peat is an accumulation of partially decayed vegetation or organic matter. Sure, it might sound a little gross, but we light this matter on fire and use the smoke to dry out malted barley. A portion of this peat-smoked barley is used in our Peated Whiskey, which gives the spirit a smoky flavour from the compounds released by the peat fire up.
Blue Jay
Blue Jays will eat all kinds of berries and fruits, including apples! Pommeau is a barrel aged apple cordial – it translates to “apple water” in French. Naturally, this spirit was a fit for the Blue Jay, a common and conspicuous bird in Massachusetts. Traditionally a species of forest, the Blue Jay has adapted well to civilization and is found commonly throughout the state from forests to low wooded coasts, suburban yards, and even urban areas. Though our Pommeau might just be our best kept secret, we’re hoping it will also migrate outside of its comfort zone and find its way into the hands of more local savvy sippers.
Belted Kingfisher
Sipping on our rum evokes the mouth of a river where an offshore breeze meets the briny sea air, and a solitary Kingfisher glides gently over the water, scanning for its next meal. The Belted Kingfisher is typically noticed by its wild rattling call. As it flies over rivers and lakes, it plunges headfirst into the water to grab a fish. Rum has long been synonymous with the Royal Navy. From 1655 to 1970, sailors were given a daily rum ration which consisted of 71ml of 95.5 proof rum. Though the rum ration has been abolished, this spirit still often goes hand-in-hand with coastal activities, which is why the Belted Kingfisher mascots our flagship rum.
Rye Whiskey
Turkey Vulture
We assigned birds of prey to all of our Whiskeys because just as these creatures are at the top of the food chain, craft Whiskey is known to be at the top of the spirits class. The Turkey Vulture, also called the Turkey Buzzard, is common in Massachusetts. Though Turkey Vultures appear black from a distance, they’re actually dark brown with a featherless redhead and pale bill up close. The popularity and consumption of Rye Whiskey is increasing, but each distiller’s take on it is unique. Our exclusive version is made using 100% northeast grains, and aged in northern oak barrels in the ever changing climates of New England. A premium New England spirit for a strong, superior American bird.
Spring Gin
As we put away our winter jackets and long for warmer weather, we see signs of spring peaking through with the sight of Robins. Just as Robins are the famous harbingers of spring, we like to think our Spring Gin has the same effect. This spirit’s flavor profile is inspired by a suite of botanicals that bring out the best of the season, and remind us of the delicate, welcoming chirps of spring.
Summer Gin
Black Capped Chickadee
A spirit made using wild Maine blueberries deserves the state bird of Maine: The Black Capped Chickadee. This cute little bird has been the official bird of Maine since 1927. Chickadees can be found in any habitat that has trees or woody shrubs, such as Acadia National Park, where Co-Founders Jackson and Zack spent many summer days as kids. For this reason, Maine holds a special place in our hearts, as do Black Capped Chickadees and our delightful seasonal Summer Gin.
Summer Reserve
Eastern Bluebird
This bright blue bird proudly represents our bright, versatile blueberry liqueur: Summer Reserve. Bluebirds were once rare in MA during the winter, but recently the number of winter bluebirds has been increasing. Those that remain in the winter primarily live off of soft fruits. Both the bird and our herbal, blueberry liqueur are known to bring happiness to all seasons.
Triple Sec
Our Triple Sec is bursting with orange flavor, just as most orioles are known for their bright orange bellies. They love fruit, and will sometimes visit backyard feeders for fresh fruit or berries. Orioles in Massachusetts typically fly south for the winter, though few may survive up North when the weather is not too severe.
Americano Kestrel
We assigned birds of prey to all of our Whiskeys because just as these creatures are at the top of the food chain, craft Whiskey is known to be at the top of the spirits class. And our New England Whiskey obviously warrants a strong American bird: The American Kestrel. Though it’s North America’s smallest falcon, don’t let it fool you. This bird stores a predator’s bold intensity into its small frame, just as our flagship Whiskey packs deep, strong flavors into its clean, elegant body.
Winter Gin
Cedar Waxwing
Cedar Waxwings are non-migratory birds, which means they live in Massachusetts through the winter, as does our Winter Gin. Cedar Waxwings typically nest in orchards, shade trees, forest edges, or in suburban plantings. Their nests are built by both sexes in 5 to 7 days, and are composed of twigs, weed stems, bark, down, plant fibers, leaves, and often lined with hair or wool. To top it off, they eat juniper berries, which makes the Cedar Waxwing a perfect fit for this rosemary and juniper-forward seasonal gin.
Hatchery Spirits
Unhatched Ugg
Wondering why in the world your bottle has an egg on it and not a bird? This means the spirit is part of our Hatchery Series, where limited edition spirits are released before they take flight. We’re always hatching ideas that push the boundaries of what spirits can be while showcasing our commitment to innovation. Whether it’s our take on a classic or a new spirit that defies classification, you’ll find it in the Short Path Distillery Hatchery Series.
“Short path distillation” is a technical name used in the scientific community for the type of distilling done in a pot still. The shorter the path between where the wash evaporates and where it condenses, the more flavorful and complex the distillate.
A “short path” also represents our commitment to sourcing local ingredients as much as possible, and maintaining a strong connection to our community.